In collaboration with our sisters and brothers at Chapel on the Hill, we invite you to join us for a Service of Lessons and Carols at 4pm on Friday, December 24th in The River's worship space at the Christian Arts Centre. In this service, we will share the story of the promise of a Messiah, the Incarnation, and the incredible announcement of the Good News coming to be present with us. We will pray with one another, share the story of Jesus’ birth, sing some beloved Christmas carols, and experience "Silent Night" in the candle light.
If you are interested in participating from the comforts of your home with your Christmas PJs... great! Our Christmas Eve gathering will be live streamed on our Facebook Page starting at 3:50pm on Friday the 24th! If that is your prefered option for worshiping on Christmas Eve, we'd love for you to join us for this wonderful worship experience.
Wherever you find yourself this Christmas Eve, we’d love for you to join with us as we celebrate the greatest gift we have ever received, Jesus!
December 24 - 4pm
at the Christian Arts Centre
(N2490 Cisco Rd Lake Geneva)

Join us on Wednesday, December 22nd at 6pm for "The Longest Night" worship gathering. For this experience we will be coming together on the shortest day and longest night of the year to make room for our sorrow and hope as we offer our whole selves — even what is broken in us — to the Holy Child of Bethlehem.
This service offers a space for grief and sadness during the holiday season, contemplative music, and a candle-lighting ritual for personal memorials of loss. The Service of the Longest Night gives space for the meaning of Advent — our saving hope promises to come as a light that our darkest moments cannot conquer. Christ is near. We are not alone.